Boston: Cambridge and the Freedom Trail

Ufer des Charles Revers mit Blick zur Innenstadt

Unsere erste Nacht war schon 5:30 Uhr vorüber. So etwas passiert, wenn man schon kurz nach 21 Uhr todmüde ins Bett fällt. Das schlechte Frühstück der Motels in den USA war ich ja schon gewöhnt. Dementsprechend erwartete ich nicht viel, sodass ich sogar überrascht war, frische Bananen und Äpfel im übersichtlichen Buffet zu finden. Des Weiteren gab es noch frische süße Waffeln, Toast und Cornflakes. Wir machten uns somit früher als eigentlich geplant auf den Weg nach Boston.

So we used the time for a few geocaches along the way. We also passed a sports facility with a football field. Here, two children's teams were preparing for their game. We were watching the recording for a while when suddenly it started to rain. As the weather was getting worse and worse, we took refuge in the car and drove off towards Boston. Despite the bad weather, we got a good taste of the Indian summer along the interstate. When we arrived in Boston, to our surprise, it was warm and sunny.

Kinder Football
Children's Football

Boston – Harvard University

We started the first day in Boston in Cambridge at Harvard University. A really nice area here. Great family homes and small churches. Actually, there is nothing yet to indicate the big city very close by. We walked around the campus and walked past the famous teaching and administrative buildings. It's a study atmosphere that doesn't exist at our German universities. Or at least it's just different. Very cute were the squirrels everywhere. Of course, model photos were taken right away!

Boston – MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Afterwards we continued towards the city center and to the second campus, the MIT. A very modern university, with many different buildings. Not as old-fashioned as Harvard, but still beautiful. We went to the Maclaurin Building. The most famous old building of MIT. To get back to the car, we had to go through the building, so we did. It was open and we didn't stand out among the many students (after all, we had only just finished our studies ourselves). But this has to be emphasized again: it was Sunday and there was a lot going on! The labs were occupied, the corridors were full, so for me it only looked like this in the university during the week. I don't want to know what it looks like HERE during the week. We threw ourselves into the fray and felt like students again.

Boston – Bacon Hill and Freedom Trail

When we arrived at the car, we continued across the Charles River and were in the Bacon Hill area. One of Boston's more upscale residential neighborhoods. We chatted a bit and then headed to the Freedom Trail. After a few laps around Boston Common, we finally found a parking spot for ... lukewarm... Nothing... Nada... because it's Sunday. Man, we were lucky! We thought the parking fees were skyrocketing here. So we set off calmly. Our first destination was Massachusetts State House. We parked right in front of it, so our walk started from here. Unfortunately, Sunday got in our way, because it was closed today. Not bad, it was also great to look at from the outside.

Massachusetts State House
Massachusetts State House

We continued, always along the red cobblestone line, towards Park Street Church and right next to it Granary Burying Ground. Very impressive to find such an old cemetery in such a large modern city.

King's Chapel was unfortunately closed for a private event, so we went straight to the Old Corner Bookstore, which was fully scaffolded. We were really "lucky" with all the sights. ;) The Old State House is the old city hall of Boston with the scene of the massacre directly in front of it. A beautiful old house with great space surrounded by skyscrapers. Afterwards we went to Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. The whole hustle and bustle reminded me a bit of the Naschmarkt in Vienna. Something to eat everywhere and everything you can imagine, on 2 floors.

Old State House in Boston
Old State House in Boston

As the day was slowly coming to an end, we decided to continue the rest of the trail tomorrow. On the way out of Boston to our hotel we had a Borito at Chipotle. Highly recommended!! Our hotel was theElement Lexington. What a hotel: super modern, clean and a huge room. Too bad for only the one night.

Are you still looking for a suitable hotel in Boston?

You can find a hotel that suits your budget through the various online travel agencies such as Agoda,,,Expedia,,, or

  • Harvard University
  • WITH
  • Freedom Trail


Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Roland Böstro

    Your travelogue about the East Coast and Boston is really very interesting and personal. Since I also know Boston from my trip in 2010, I know what you wrote about. I was also totally impressed by this city and I think Boston is always worth a trip as it has its own charm.

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