San Francisco: Fisherman's Wharf and Cable Car

San Francisco: Fisherman’s Wharf und Cable Car 1

The first stop for today in San Francisco was the Alamo Square. There was already a lot going on here in the park on this Sunday morning. We observed a father who really wanted to give football training to his daughter, who unfortunately had to play uphill. It was obvious that his daughter didn't really feel like it. We used the free WiFi for a little longer and enjoyed the view of the Painted Ladies.

Painted Ladies am Alamo Square
Painted Ladies am Alamo Square

Haight Ashbury Viertel

Then it went to Haight Ashbury Viertel. The area is very... well... different. The shops mainly alternative and crazy. We walked down the street once and back on the other side. Suffices!

Fort Point – Tor nach San Francisco

Next stood Fort Point below the famous Golden Gate Bridge on the program. When we arrived, a really thick fog passed through the bridge. For the safety of passing ships, fog horns on the two bridge piers alternately generate different signal tones every 20 – 30 seconds.

Golden Gate Bridge im Nebel
Golden Gate Bridge in the fog

After a while the fog really cleared. After just a few minutes, the rear pillar was also visible. As the fog slowly passed under the bridge, there was a grandiose picture. Just crazy!

Der Nebel lichtet sich...
The fog goes away…

Ghirardelli chocolate factory

With the rental car we fought our way through the city traffic back to downtown. A parking space, even free of charge, was found surprisingly quickly in a side street. First we wanted to complete a special type of geocache, a Whereigo. With this cache, we had to load a special file onto the smartphone beforehand and then solve small tasks on the display and go to certain points. The Cache”Time Travelin Trolley” took us straight through the Ghirardelli chocolate factory and the bounding blocks. By the way, there are free samples at the entrances to the chocolate factory. So we entered the store a little more often…. yummy!

Fisherman’s Wharf

At lunchtime we followed Fisherman’s Wharf, the waterfront district in northeast San Francisco. We grabbed a portion of shrimp and fries from the countless stands along Jefferson Street. These were really good. So delicious that we had to defend them from the seagulls.

Then we went to Pier 39, where the sea lions lie. I had read online that they were supposed to have disappeared, but whatever the source, it wasn't true. But there were fewer, why might that be?

Seelöwen am Pier 39
Sea lions at Pier 39

San Francisco Cable Car

Today's highlight came afterwards: driving the cable car. We walked to the Cable Car Mansion-Powell and didn't wait long for the next train. Since a family in front of us didn't want to be left out with their children, we were allowed to go ahead. The driver cashed in and we wanted to get in, but one man simply wouldn't make room. We tried to point this out to him but he just turned away. The driver noticed that, because he wanted to leave and explained to the man that we both had to fit in there as well. He didn't want to listen at all and the cable car driver became more and more explicit until the man finally gave in. There was still room for the two of us, but first try to keep other people away... we could only shake our heads.

The ride was really great! If you lean a bit outwards to look past the other passengers ahead, you really have to be careful with an oncoming train! This is going to be very tight! We got to the Market St terminus and wanted to go back from there but the line was so long. We would have stood there forever. So we tried a trick: we just went up one station, below Union Square, and waited there for the Powell-Hyde train. The drivers always leave a bit of space for boarding guests, which means for us. :) After only 15 minutes of waiting, our train came and we went back up into the hills. Much to our advantage, the driver forgot to charge us.

Lombard Street

Back at the car we drove to Lombard Street. Driving down yourself... that must have been done by man(s). It just looks funny how everyone curves back and forth. There are really great photos.

Cable Car Museum

After that we wanted to go to the Cable Car Museum. Thanks to the long search for a parking space, we arrived 5 minutes after the closing time at 5 p.m. Nothing again...a great reason to come back to San Francisco!

Treasure Island

On the way to ours Hotel we stopped on Treasure Island to get a breathtaking view of downtown San Francisco. The setting sun and the Golden Gate in the background, magical!

Are you still looking for a suitable hotel in San Francisco?

You can find a hotel that suits your budget through the various online travel agencies such as Agoda,,,Expedia,,, or

Blick auf San Francisco von Treasure Island
View of San Francisco from Treasure Island
Blick auf San Francisco von Treasure Island
View of San Francisco from Treasure Island
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Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

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