Short break in Vienna with a small child

Schloss Schönbrunn

Vacationing with a small child is exciting and flying for the first time is an adventure. In the past, people went through security quickly or quickly from the arrival gate to the baggage carousel. With a child you need peace and time - throughout your entire vacation. You can find out what our experiences were on the flight, in the hotel and while sightseeing in Vienna with a small child in this article.

Flight with Austrian Airlines from Berlin-Tegel to Vienna

Due to an endless traffic jam, we arrived at Berlin Tegel Airport very late. Quickly park the car in the rented parking space and head to the gate. Unfortunately there was no time left for the Lufthansa Senator Lounge. We bought a roll for our son from the bakery for dinner and stood in line at the gate for security.

Since we only traveled with hand luggage, we had to unpack a lot of things. The bags with the liquids were the least of the problems. These liquids do not include children's food and this also includes a fully filled sippy cup. Children are always allowed to have something to drink with them. Our little man couldn't walk at the time and had to be carried. What about transporting two suitcases, a backpack, a child seat, in the practical Bag from Aomaso*, and made it very difficult for the buggy. The staff was helpful, kind and above all very patient with us. Our son even willingly allowed himself to be patted down, even though he is usually shy and afraid of strangers.

What's really great in Tegel is that you can take the buggy with you to the gate. This makes things a lot easier for a child who is not yet walking. Because we were so late, we were the last to board. There were no problems with the child seat and we quickly received the belt extension we requested. The little man wasn't interested in the flight itself at all. We specifically picked an evening flight because we hoped he would fall asleep. But unfortunately that didn't work. He just wanted to eat all the time. We assume because of the pressure equalization.

Austrian Airlines Flug nach Wien
Austrian Airlines flight to Vienna

When we arrived in Vienna, we were the last to get off the plane. This meant we had more peace of mind when unbuckling and packing up the child seat. Unfortunately we didn't get our buggy at the gate, but had to go to the baggage carousel. The journey was really long and very tiring without a rental buggy with a child in my arms. Since we were in a hurry, we rushed off straight away and didn't look or ask for a rental buggy.

Hotel Hilton Vienna at the city park

Luckily for us, upon arrival at the Hilton Vienna we were upgraded to a suite (Hotel Review). That meant plenty of space for our son to play and run around. And mom and dad were also happy about having a separate bedroom and living room, because that meant they could sit together in the evening while the little one slept in peace next door. Unfortunately, the cot provided was a bit older and sagged a lot in the middle. He still slept well.

Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite

The staff throughout the hotel were always very friendly and helpful. Especially at breakfast, a lot of effort was made to look after our little blonde boy. Even in the busiest and most stressful conditions, there was always time for a smile or a little fun. When we visited the lounge in the afternoon, no one was bothered by the little man playing with his toys and happy to hand things out. We got a pot of soy milk for him for dinner and breakfast. I was even allowed to go behind the scenes into the lounge kitchen to refill some soy milk. When it comes to the well-being of children, they put a lot of effort here.


Excursions in Vienna with small children

A city trip with a child is a great thing with the right buggy. The wheels shouldn't be too rickety, the sun canopy should be big enough for the midday heat and storage space for a little shopping shouldn't be missing either. We have therefore opted for the Qbit von good baby* decided. Can be folded up with one hand and unfolded again just as quickly. Solid rubber wheels that can handle even the most difficult cobblestones and a sun canopy that protects the whole child. With a good buggy, everything is possible with children in Vienna. Since the Qbit is very light, the stairs to the subway were no problem. Because the elevator wasn't always close enough to catch the next train.

Innenstadt von Wien
Downtown Vienna

St. Stephen's Cathedral was within walking distance of our hotel. No problem with the buggy, we managed small thresholds quite easily. We then strolled through the city center and hardly encountered any obstacles. No matter whether it was cobblestones or high curbs, we could get through or over them everywhere. It only got crowded at the Naschmarkt. Although our buggy is quite narrow and compact, there was clearly not enough space for parents and children due to the crowds. But no problem, a path has been made here too. For a short visit with delicious treats, this destination is also highly recommended with children. Thanks to the adjustable reclining position on the buggy, our son was able to take his afternoon nap while mom and dad looked at Schönbrunn Palace.

We saw a lot of families with children in Vienna and had just as many helping hands when someone needed to quickly get on the tram, which on this trip wasn't a low-floor tram. I would like to see more public toilets with changing stations in the parks and castles. But we found a really great restaurant that, due to the lack of a diaper room, simply offered us the employees' changing room so that we could have peace and quiet for the little one while changing his diaper. Super nice and helpful, especially because we had to change two full diapers in just 1 1/2 hours that we spent there for lunch. If it pushes, then it pushes.

Flight with Austrian Airlines from Vienna to Berlin-Tegel

At Vienna Airport, contrary to what is stated on the website, you can take the buggy with you to the gate. All you have to do is get a piece of luggage from the check-in counter and attach it to the car. This time we were a little quicker at the identity check. I think it will get better each time as the moves become more practiced.

Flughafen Wien
Vienna Airport

This time we made it to the airport before departure Austrian Airlines Senator Lounge for dinner. Our son really liked that, eating sandwiches and watching airplanes. To change his diaper, I had to take him over to the business lounge because that was the only place where there was a wheelchair-accessible toilet with a changing area. The staff at reception were very helpful in this regard, which was probably because they found our blonde boy so cute.

This time, when we arrived at the gate, we went on board first. Families with children always have priority when boarding and we took advantage of that. When we boarded, our little man was given JetFriends toys: two finger puppets, a sticker book and a small bag of gummy bears. As we were unpacking the child seat, a flight attendant came and wanted to know what we were doing. I expected that we would be able to pack it up and check it in straight away. But she just wanted to see the TÜV seal “For use in Aircraft” and was satisfied. She then brought us the belt extension and the flight could start.

We also decided on an evening flight for the return flight in the hope that the little one would fall asleep. But puff cake. He would rather be entertained all the time with his new finger puppets. When we arrived in Tegel, we were able to quickly pick up the buggy thanks to the luggage carousel right at the gate. I then waited at the exit with our son while Christian got the car. After sitting quietly for an hour, the little man had a huge urge to move! I had trouble keeping him with me.

Which travel guide can you recommend for Vienna?

Kurzurlaub in Wien mit Kleinkind 1Of the ADAC travel guide Vienna* offers detailed and comprehensive information on all sights and leisure activities on 192 pages. The practical spiral binding makes the travel guide easy to use. It also offers a transport route plan and a large fold-out map of the city. QR codes provide access to additional travel videos and audio features.

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Conclusion: trip to Vienna with a small child
  • flight
  • Hotel
  • Sightseeing features
  • public transport
  • Changing options


A short vacation with a child is a great thing. The little ones are already doing a lot and having fun. Vienna is a great city for this, with helpful people and beautiful hotels. If you choose the right equipment for flights and sightseeing, things will definitely be easier. The short trip can start with enough drink and snacks for the child in your bag.


Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tobias


    nice article with lots of insights about Vienna. I'm also going to Vienna in November - also with the same airline. I’m really excited about the “size” of the city.

    Best regards


    1. Christin

      Hello, tobias,
      Glad you liked my post.
      We were in Vienna once in 2013, without children at the time. Here can you get a few more tips.

      Have fun in November in this enchanting city. I think you will be as excited as we are.

      Many greetings

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