Mileage Run Aegean – Verteidigung des Miles&Bonus Gold Status über Segmente


Once you have a frequent flyer status, you want to defend it every year. I have had Star Alliance Gold status with Greek airline Aegean Airlines for almost five years. Since we hardly took any air travel due to the birth of our son in January this year, a mileage run was necessary to extend the status.

Aegean Airlines Airbus A320-200
Aegean Airlines Airbus A320-200

Um den höchsten Status in Miles&Bonus, dem Vielfliegerprogramm von Aegean Airlines, zu halten, benötigt man jedes Jahr 12000 Meilen und vier Segmente (Flüge) mit Aegean bzw. Olympic Airlines oder 24000 Meilen. Den Grundstein für die Verlängerung hatte ich schon im vergangen Dezember gelegt. Damals ging es mit SAS from Stockholm to Chicago. This earned 12780 miles. So only at least four flights with Aegean were missing.

missing miles to requalify

How do I book a Mileage Run?

A mileage run is all about earning as many frequent flyer miles as cheaply as possible. You can compare the different routings by determining the required euro cents per mile. Mileage runs can usually be realized most inexpensively over long distances.

My booked flights

In April, the online travel agency* gave a EUR 25 voucher for flight bookings from Germany. This enabled the following two bookings to be made cheaply:

  1. Munich – Thessaloniki – Stuttgart (€132.58 – €25 (voucher) – €10 (cashback at Qipu*) = 97,58€
  2. Stuttgart – Thessaloniki – Munich (€75.33 – €25 (voucher) – €10 (cashback at Qipu*) = 40,33€

The total amount was just €137.91 for 2919 status miles. At 4.72 cents/mile, these flight routes were not necessarily a bargain, but they could be realized from Munich within 24 hours and they contained the required four flights/segments with Aegean. In addition, a hotel in Thessaloniki was required, which would correctly have to be added to the Mileage Run costs. To make the whole campaign even more pleasant, I redeemed an upgrade voucher to Business Class for every flight. These four vouchers are given to every member of Aegean to requalify for Gold status.

Routing der gebuchten Flüge für den Mileage Run (Quelle:
Routing of the booked flights for the Mileage Run (Source:

Mileage Run Aegean / Munich – Thessaloniki / A3 501 / Business Class

Together with Robert, with whom I flew this mileage run together, I drove to Munich Airport. After an extensive champagne breakfast in the Lufthansa Senator Lounge, it took five minutes to go to departure gate G10. There the Airbus A320-200 from Aegean (registration SX-DVU) was ready for boarding. Thanks to priority boarding, we were one of the first on board and made ourselves comfortable in business class. This was half occupied with six out of twelve seats.

After we lifted off runway 26L, the pilot turned south. A short time later we flew over Lake Chiemsee and, thanks to the best weather, had a fantastic view of the partially snow-covered Alps.

Meal in Aegean Airlines Business Class on the flight to Thessaloniki

From the menu handed out before takeoff, I chose the monthly special (lobster tail and shrimp with sun-dried tomatoes with local pasta). Aegean currently offers dishes from one region of Greece every month. This time it was the island of Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. Unfortunately, all components of the dish were totally dry. Pity! The appetizer plate didn't meet my taste either. The dessert, the pistachio schnapps Chios Mastiha and an espresso were able to turn things around again.

Landing in Thessaloniki

The landing in Thessaloniki was on time at 13:30. Unfortunately, as we had a medical emergency on board, all passengers had to remain seated until the patient was offloaded through the rear left aircraft door. We were then allowed to disembark from the plane and taken to the terminal in a separate bus for Business Class passengers.

Timelapse of takeoff and landing

Mileage Run Aegean / Thessaloniki – Stuttgart / A3 510 / Business Class

At Thessaloniki Airport we spent the time until departure to Stuttgart in the Aegean Business Lounge (Lounge Review). The big advantage is that boarding by bus is possible directly from the lounge. So we saved ourselves the way to the gate and were the first passengers in the Airbus A320 (registration SX-DGB). Four more buses with passengers followed, so that the machine was completely full. I suspect there were some upgrades to business class as well. Because when we reserved our seats at check-in, only three out of twelve possible places were actually taken. Due to the large number of passengers, our departure was delayed by twenty minutes to 5:50 p.m.

Eating in Aegean Airlines Business Class on the flight to Stuttgart

On the way to Stuttgart the food was much better than on the flight from Munich to Thessaloniki. This time I opted for chicken skewers with potatoes in a mustard sauce with caramelized onions. The dessert, a chocolate sponge roll, mousse de chocolate and a pastry were really the bomb. I had a freshly made espresso brought to me. Despite the fully booked plane, the crew was extremely nice and courteous.

Shortly after we had crossed the Alps, with about 30 minutes remaining flight time to Stuttgart, the flight attendants came through Business Class with a tray of Chios Mastiha and Metaxa. The liquor was a nice end to the flight. Luckily, the cockpit crew fully compensated for our delay and we landed at Stuttgart Airport at 7 p.m. on time. When disembarking, we said goodbye to the crew with the words “Hope to see you soon!".

Ankunft am Flughafen Stuttgart (Manfred Rommel)
Arrival at Stuttgart Airport (Manfred Rommel)

Mileage Run Aegean / Stuttgart – Thessaloniki / A3 511 / Business Class

Our plan was a so-called direct turnaround in Stuttgart. That means we wanted to take the same plane back to Thessaloniki as we had come. Since we were able to return to the departure area immediately after leaving the plane without having to go through security again, nothing stood in the way of the project. We even had twenty minutes for a short visit to the Lufthansa Senator Lounge in Stuttgart. After a Maultasche and a beer we went back to the gate. Boarding had already started there and we were one of the last to board. It was easy to see the surprise on the face of the cabin manager at welcoming us back on board.

On this flight we decided to have an aperitif. The range of spirits was good and I treated myself to a whisky. But since only Johnny Walker Red Label was loaded and I don't like it on its own, I ordered a whiskey-cola. But the flight attendant meant well and almost filled half the glass with whiskey. The cola was only there to lightly color the long drink.

Meal in Aegean Airlines Business Class on the flight to Thessaloniki

The menu revealed that we could choose from the same dishes as on the Munich – Thessaloniki flight. After not having had a good experience with the lobster, this time I chose the moussaka. This was extremely tasty!

warmes Abendessen Aegean Airlines - traditionelle Moussaka und griechische Hors­d'œu­v­re Platte
Aegean Airlines hot dinner - traditional moussaka and Greek hors d'oeuvre platter

After our arrival at Thessaloniki Airport at 11:20 p.m., I contacted the Hotel Avalon, where we stayed the following night. They sent the free shuttle driver who picked us up in front of the terminal 10 minutes later. We ended the evening with two smuggled cans of Heineken from the lounge.

Mileage Run Aegean / Thessaloniki – Munich / A3 500 / Business Class

After a very short night, the alarm woke us up at 6am. We took the shuttle vehicle back to the airport and went to the Aegean Business Lounge (Lounge Review). Finally there was time for a coffee and a Greek yoghurt. Boarding for flight A3 500 to Munich began at 7:30 a.m. When we arrived at the Airbus A320 by bus, it turned out that this was an old acquaintance again. The A320 with the registration SX-DVU, with which we had already come from Munich the day before, was on the apron. On this morning flight to Munich, Business Class was again fully booked.

For breakfast there was a choice between a plain omelet and a sfougato. This is a type of quiche from the island of Rhodes, served with a sausage and ratatouille. I found the compilation more interesting and was not disappointed. In addition there was a Greek yoghurt with honey and a selection of fruits.

Die restliche Zeit des Fluges verbrachte ich hauptsächlich damit den fehlenden Schlaf nachzuholen. Kurz vor der Landung wurde ich aber wieder wach und bereitete mich auf die Ankunft vor. Gegen 9 Uhr und damit circa 23 Stunden nach unserem Abflug, kamen wir wieder am Münchner Flughafen an. Damit war der Mileage Run zur Verteidigung des Miles&Bonus Gold Status für dieses Jahr abgeschlossen.

Ankunft in München
Arrival in Munich

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Rating of Aegean Airlines Business Class
  • Seat
  • Entertainment
  • Cleanliness
  • Service
  • Beverages
  • Eat
  • Price-performance


Aegean Airlines was awarded the Skytrax Best Regional Airline Europe award for the seventh time in 2016. And rightly so, I think! The service on board is always friendly and the range of food and drinks in Business Class is excellent. Except for the small mistake with the dry pasta and lobster, the rest of the warm dishes were very tasty and delicious. The seats in business class, as is common in Europe, differ from economy only in that the middle seat is guaranteed to be free. With flight times of 2 to 4 hours, this is still acceptable in my opinion.


My name is Christian and I was born in the green heart of Germany and studied computer engineering in Ilmenau, Thuringia. Since 2021, I live with my wife Christin and our son in Merseburg and work in Leipzig as a product manager. What I love about travelling is flying, discovering delicious food and drink, and staying in great hotels. I am a travel enthusiast and always on the lookout for the next adventure. I have been posting about my experiences on the road since 2007.

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