SAS Go In-flight Entertainment
SAS Go In-flight Entertainment

SAS Goes on the Airbus A340-300 to San Francisco

Last August, Robert from asked me if I would like to fly with him in SAS Go in the Airbus A340-300 to San Francisco. At a price of just under EUR 200, I didn't have to think long and said yes. You can find out which service is offered on the 11-hour flight in SAS Economy Class in the following trip report.

Vorzeitiger Check-In für SWISS am Flughafen Singapur
Early check-in for SWISS at Singapore Airport

SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300 to Zurich

I only wrote a short travel report for our return flight in the SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300 from Singapore to Zurich. Details about the aircraft cabin and the seats in SWISS Economy Class can be found in the trip report for the outbound flight.

SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300
SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300

SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300 to Singapore

The plan was for us to land in Zurich at 4:30 p.m. from Berlin. Because of the strong hurricane Niklas, we only arrived three hours later. From Gate A81 we walked to the SWISS Senator Lounge before taking the SWISS Economy Class Airbus A340-300 to Singapore.