Sights of Copenhagen

Schloss Amalienborg - Vor Frelsers Kirke (Erlöser-Kirche)

Founded in 1167 by Archbishop Absalon, Copenhagen with “only” about 580,000 inhabitants is actually a rather small capital compared to other European metropolises. But that's exactly what makes it so charming! It gives you a very homely feeling, even if you are there for the first time. Located directly on the Öresund and the bridge of the same name, it is a real jewel of the Scandinavian capitals. During a long weekend we visited the following sights of Copenhagen.

Statue von Erzbischof Absalon - Gründer von Kopenhagen
Statue of Archbishop Absalon - founder of Copenhagen

On the way in and to Copenhagen

Copenhagen is currently undergoing reconstruction because the city wants to become greener. Many roads will be reduced and the cycle paths will be expanded even more. Trees are planted and small green spaces created. In addition, a new subway line is currently being built that will lead in a kind of ring under the city. But all the construction sites don't take away the Danes' composure and in many places people are even allowed to watch the construction work from vantage points.

As Copenhageners are very fond of cycling (Copenhagen was named UCI Bike City in 2007), a project has been launched by the government to make cycling easier for residents and tourists. “Bycyklen” is a rental bike system with ultra-modern electric bikes. Equipped with GPS and tablet, these white pedal donkeys can be found in many prominent locations throughout Copenhagen. You can find more information about the costs and how easy it is to rent one on the official website: A really great idea! Many of the city's sights are also within walking distance. Of course, the easiest way is by Segway (you can find the post about our great tour here).

If you fly to Copenhagen like we did, the best way to get from the airport to the city and back is by metro or train. The metro costs about 7 EUR/person and is the fastest connection. We would not recommend taking a taxi as it is far too expensive.

unterwegs mit der führerlos fahrenden Metro
traveling with the driverless metro

Overnight in Copenhagen

From hostels to 5 star hotels, Copenhagen has it all. We learned from a friend that hostels in Copenhagen are supposed to be very good and cannot be compared to the old, worn-out multi-bed rooms in other countries. We decided to stay in a hotel anyway because we're just not the hostel types. But we would like to pass on the tip to you, because it comes from a Danish woman and I think you can trust it, even if we haven't tried it yet :). Hotel room prices, like in all Scandinavian capitals, are expensive. So you should count on at least 100 EUR per night! Since the hostel is for money savers, then maybe a good alternative. We have im Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel stayed.

Hotel D'Angleterre Kopenhagen
Hotel D'Angleterre Copenhagen

Pay in Copenhagen

As already mentioned, Copenhagen is very expensive, which is typical for the Scandinavian countries. The currency is the Danish krone. We could pay for everything we did with a credit card, from the small bakery to the hotel and also the sights. If you still prefer to have cash in hand, we recommend the DKB credit card, with which you can withdraw money free of charge from all VISA machines worldwide.

Our tips for the most beautiful sights in Copenhagen

Tip 1: Our Saviour's Church

The “Vor Frelsers Kirke” (Savior Church) can be found in the Christianshaven district. The church itself is beautiful, but not the real highlight. The church tower, in its golden robe, can be climbed by the brave. A total of 400 steps lead up to the golden globe. The first part, inside the church tower, is relatively cramped and you have to watch out for oncoming traffic. In addition, warning lights are hung up everywhere, which warn of the next bell ringing, because you walk right past the bells. Arrived on the outside viewing platform, you have a wonderful all-round view! When the weather is nice you can see for miles.

toller Panoramablick über Kopenhagen - Vor Frelsers Kirke (Erlöser-Kirche)
great panoramic view over Copenhagen - Vor Frelsers Kirke (Church of the Redeemer)

Then 150 steps lead along the outside of the tower in a four-time spiral staircase. Towards the top it gets even tighter! At the end only one person fits on the last steps. That's only for the really brave! Anyone who makes it to the top is almost 90 m above the church square. What I really noticed is the slight swinging of the tower. There was hardly a breeze. What is going on up here when the wind is stronger? The prices of 40 DKK (Monday - Thursday) and 45 DKK (Friday - Sunday) are acceptable. You “only” climb a church tower, but one with a magnificent view. We were totally thrilled and can only recommend this experience!!!

Tip 2: Christiansborg Palace

Christiansborg is a relatively new castle, even if it doesn't look like it. Since the first castles and palaces were destroyed by three devastating fires, today's building was only built between 1906 and 1937. The three powers of the state are united here: executive, legislative and judiciary. You will also find the rooms of the Parliament Folketing, which can be visited. The Supreme Court, an office of the Prime Minister and royal reception rooms are also located in the palace. The extensive area of ​​the castle also includes the stables with the royal horses, which unfortunately were on summer vacation, and a beautiful small park in front of the royal library and the Jewish Museum.

Schloss Christiansborg
Christiansborg Castle

There is a lot to discover in Christiansborg Palace. We found the castle church really beautiful, which is really sumptuously furnished, but still looks simple and not overloaded. Since we couldn't see all the sights due to time constraints, we decided on the most exciting one: the ruins under Christiansborg. Admission is 50 DKK and if you are there at the right time you get a free guided tour. The history of the previous castles is explained here very clearly and the great preparation of the remains of the wall and the old fountain is really excellent. An exciting journey through time that should not be missed. Christiansborg also has an observation tower, which is even free to climb. Free WiFi is available throughout the castle grounds. That's service!

Tip 3: The little mermaid

Populated by lots of tourists, we visited the really little mermaid. Somehow we were expecting a bigger figure. But we were forewarned, so we weren't very surprised. It's almost impossible to take a picture of her without strangers in it. The little mermaid was designed by Danish Edvard Eriksen. The model for this was the character of the same name from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. You just have to bring a little time here and wait for the right moment to get a nice, tourist-free photo.

Die kleine Meerjungfrau von Kopenhagen
The Little Mermaid of Copenhagen

Tip 4: Changing of the guard in Amalienborg

The royal changing of the guard takes place at Amalienborg Palace every day at noon. At 11:30 a.m., the royal guard marches from Rosenborg Castle, across the city, until they arrive in Amalienborg at 12:00 p.m. sharp. Hundreds of spectators await you here, lined up along an invisible line, standing and amazed. Police officers ensure that the correct distance is maintained and those who do not play along will be pointed out several times very clearly. But otherwise it's very funny and the policemen like to joke.

The changing of the guard is very impressive and we stood in the right spot so the guard walked right past us. Almost too close to take a good photo. ;) After 15 minutes the ceremony is already over. In retrospect, we only read that the changing of the guard only takes place when Queen Margrethe is at home. I guess we were lucky there.

Tip 5: The Kastellet

Copenhagen Castle is a military base that is still in use today. This is where the officers live and work. Completed in 1667, the fortress, in the shape of a pentagon, is surrounded by a system of moats. We made a geocache to get to know the individual buildings better. So he brought us to the two entrance gates (King's Gate and Norwegian Gate), the somewhat remote ammunition house, the church of the fort and the oldest working windmill in Denmark. You don't have the feeling of being in a military field here. Everything looks more like in a small quiet village. A great place to escape the crowds of downtown.

Tip 6: Nyhavn

Nyhavn, or "new harbour", is the popular entertainment district in Copenhagen. Historically, this 400m long and 3m deep canal was an important part of Copenhagen harbor when it was completed in 1673. Today, unfortunately, it has lost its importance, but has gained in importance as a tourist attraction with its many bars, restaurants and pubs. The many colorful houses along the canal were mostly built in the 18th and 19th centuries and were home to famous residents such as Hans Christian Andersen. There's always something going on here. The cafes and bars are crowded with tourists and even during the day there are quite a few guests in a party mood. Interestingly, Copenhagen's only strip club, Hong Kong, is located here. Maybe good to know for bachelor parties.

These are our most beautiful excursion points in Copenhagen. What about you? Where do you like to go? What did you find the best? Tell us in the comments! Because Copenhagen still has so many small, undiscovered places to offer. Copenhagen is definitely worth one or more trips!

Which travel guide do you recommend for Copenhagen?

Sehenswürdigkeiten von Kopenhagen 1Sehenswürdigkeiten von Kopenhagen 2This current city guide is the ideal companion to discover the Danish capital Copenhagen independently thanks to compact information and insider tips. The city's most important sights and museums as well as lesser-known attractions and districts are presented and evaluated in detail.

Did you enjoy the post? Then share it on social networks. With this you support our work. Have you already been to Copenhagen? Do you have any tips for the sights of Copenhagen? Then I look forward to your opinion in the comments.


Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Tabitha

    Copenhagen is always worth a trip. The pictures above turned out great!

    1. Christian

      Thank you Tabitha! Copenhagen was really beautiful.

  2. Jörg

    very nice report, the photos enrich the article and really make you want to go to CPH. I also have a few tips, take a look at Greetings from Berlin

    1. Christian

      Thank you George! We'd love to stop by... Greetings from Halle

    1. Christian

      Thank you for your comment and the links! We didn't know the tips and will remember them for the next visit. :)
      Have fun in Copenhagen!

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