Langkawi: Cenang and Gravy

Dataran Lang - Wahrzeichen Langkawis

On our trips across the small island of Langkawi, we mainly only passed through settlements and villages. The only two major cities are Cenang and Kuah.

Kuah – Hauptstadt Langkawis

Shopper's Paradise Langkawi – Duty Free Zone

In the southeast of the island is Kuah, the capital of Langkawi. Kuah means 'rocky' in Malay and legend has it that the city rose on this new land after two giants fought with boulders. Here you will find parks and recreation areas, especially shopping centers where you can shop tax-free. All of Langkawi is a so-called duty-free zone, which makes alcohol, confectionery and clothing very cheap. Kuah and also Cenang have several larger shopping malls where you can shop more or less well. It should be noted that alcohol cannot be brought into Singapore from Malaysia. Since our return flight to Germany is from Singapore, this unfortunately does not mean a bargain Absolut Vodka for us. :(

Plains Lang – 12 m hohe Adler Statue

The landmark of Langkawi called Dataran Lang is a 12m tall eagle statue that greets guests arriving by ship at Kuah. The eagle taking off from a rock represents Langkawi as the island's name derives from the Malay word for eagle. The associated Eagle Square is located right next to the ferry terminal and is a nice place to linger with its terraces, bridges and ponds. Unfortunately the fountains were off during our visit not turned on and the pools half dried up. We think that the whole place seems much friendlier otherwise.

Dataran Lang - Wahrzeichen von Langkawi
Dataran Lang - Landmark of Langkawi


Cenang is the tourist capital of Langkawi. Most of the island's hotels, many restaurants and countless souvenir shops are located along the main shopping street "Kuala Muda Road". We would rather compare Cenang with the Ballermann on Mallorca, because there is something going on here at any time of the day or night! If you like hustle and bustle and party, this is the place for you. One should be prepared for all of this when choosing a hotel in this city. The hotel categories range from simple backpacker hostels to 5-star beach resorts with spas.

Reisplantage Laman Padi (Cenang)

We had found the reference to the Lama Padi rice plantation in several blogs and wanted to get an idea of ​​rice cultivation for ourselves. Admission should be free, but we can only partially confirm that. At the entrance to the plantation is a small house with entrance fees. But since there was no cashier to be seen, we simply explored the plantation on our own. The process of growing rice is quite interesting and beautifully presented. If you are in Cenang, it is worth a short stop. You don't need more than half an hour here.

Are you still looking for a suitable hotel in Langkawi?

You can find a hotel that suits your budget through the various online travel agencies such as Agoda,,, Expedia,,, opodo, or

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Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

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