Road trip USA (Midwest): Traverse City and Old Mission Peninsula

Mission Point Leuchtturm

Our second day in Traverse City started very comfortably and we didn't start our tour until around 10:00 am. We went to the Old Mission Peninsula, a promontory which juts out into Grand Travers Bay.

Old Mission Peninsula

Durch die Kirschbaumfelder von Old Mission Peninsula
Through the cherry orchards of Old Mission Peninsula

Since it was cherry blossom season, Traverse City is, as already mentioned, the cherry capital of the country, so all cherry trees should actually be in full bloom. Unfortunately, spring came later than usual, just like at home. Only a few fields were blooming in the white-pink colors, but it was still beautiful to drive through the hilly landscape.

Kirschbaum Plantage
Cherry tree plantation

Old Mission - Mission Point Lighthouse

At the northernmost end of Old Mission is Mission Point Lighthouse (more information about the lighthouse). Built in 1870, the lighthouse offers a fantastic view of the bay and the surrounding area. For $4 per person, you can climb the lighthouse. A small investment that is worth it. The owners are a very nice couple and were totally enthusiastic about our little explorer. We signed a guest book with our name and country of origin, and we found out that last year German tourists were second only to Canadians with the most visitors from abroad. On the way up they set up a small maritime museum. The view was amazing! The view of the beach and bay was unique.

Mission Point Leuchtturm
Mission Point Lighthouse
Ausblick auf Lake Michigan
View of Lake Michigan

Right next to the lighthouse was a replica of one of America's first settlers' homes. Unfortunately it wasn't open and we could only look in through the small windows. Even more historical knowledge could have been refreshed, but unfortunately we were denied that.

Nachbildung eines der ersten Häuser der Siedler Amerikas
Replica of one of America's first settlers' homes

Many nature trails lead from this northern point of the Old Mission Peninsula. When our little darling is bigger, we need to do more short hikes with him again, just like on our US tours in the past. In any case, there are enough birds and squirrels to watch. In addition, Lake Michigan has great sand beaches, which our son only wanted to leave with a lot of begging and begging.

Back to Traverse City

On the way back to Traverse City we stopped at a few small beaches and harbors to enjoy the beautiful and tranquil views over Lake Michigan. Since we were invited to visit friends in the afternoon, we already had a bottle of wine from our home region in our luggage as a small souvenir. We picked a few more heralds of spring on a self-picking meadow with a cash register of trust.

Kirschblüte auf der Old Mission Peninsula
Cherry blossom on the Old Mission Peninsula
Haus auf der Old Mission Peninsula
House on the Old Mission Peninsula

We then drove off the Old Mission Peninsula and continued north. Our friends have a house right on Lake Michigan. We spent a wonderful afternoon and evening on the beach with lots of nature, delicious burgers, cherry pie and ice cream. The most beautiful end of the day that you can imagine!

Sonnenuntergang am Strand von Lake Michigan
Sunset on Lake Michigan beach

Roadtrip USA (Midwest) - route details

TagIn total
Kilometer:94.6 mi (152.24 km)606.7 mi (976.39 km)
driving time:02:50:5816:25:17
Consumption:31,1 mpg29,7 mpg
Ride costs:42,03 USD
Overnight stay:Hampton Inn Traverse City - $211 for two nights (bookable at Hilton)

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Rating of the road trip through Traverse City
  • Old Mission Peninsula
  • Mission Point Lighthouse
  • Traverse City


Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

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