Discover the Bavarian capital Munich with DriveNow

BMW i3

At the beginning of our southern Germany autumn road trip we visited the Bavarian capital Munich. Since Christian is often in the city for work, he already knew some beautiful corners and finally wanted to show them to me. So far I've only ever driven past or through Munich on my way to a skiing holiday. So it was high time!

BMW World at the Olympic Park

From our small but newly built Motel Einstein in Erding we drove in our car in the direction of the Olympic Park. Here, there is a P+R car park where we could park for a cheap 1.50 EUR a day. From there it was only a few meters to the BMW world designed by Coop Himmelb(l)au. Because of my job as an architect, I really wanted to see them. Christian isn't really that interested in cars, but the time there was quite interesting.

Test drive with the BMW i3 from DriveNow

Years ago, Christian had already registered online for the DriveNow car-sharing service, but never managed to authenticate himself with his driver's license. This was possible in the BMW world. We were given an RFID card that you can use to open the car via a reader in the windshield. If you would also like to register with DriveNow, you can do so via the following link (!/registrieren?prc=NIFODQQPZT). Registration costs only EUR 9.98. In addition, you get 15 bonus minutes, which you can use for trips at any time.

Using the DriveNow smartphone app, we kept an eye out for a BMW i3. We really wanted to drive an electric car on public roads - now was the opportunity. Unfortunately, the next i3 was more than three kilometers away from BMW World. So we grabbed a nearby Mini Cabrio and drove the short distance!

Suche nach einem BMW i3 in der DriveNow App
Search for a BMW i3 in the DriveNow app

After Christian held the RFID card to the windshield, the doors unlocked. We still had to unlock the car with a personal pin on the navigation system and off we went. The cockpit is reduced, ultra-modern and the lack of a center console between the driver and front passenger creates a generous feeling of space. However, one should like recycled materials.

Cockpit des BMW i3
Cockpit of the BMW i3

After pressing the start button... nothing ... oh yes ... the display on the selector lever jumps from P to D. The gas pedal is more of a power pedal. In the BMW i3, this not only regulates acceleration, but also energy recovery. If you take your foot off the pedal while driving, the i3 decelerates so much that even the brake lights come on. So we could drive the car almost exclusively with the electric pedal. We didn't need the brakes on the 20-minute drive to the city center.

One of DriveNow's best features is that you can park your car in almost any public parking lot. Parking fees do not apply. However, finding a parking space near the university was a bit difficult and we had to do a few laps.

Burgers at Hans im Glück

For lunch we really wanted to go to a “Hans im Glück” because Christian had raved about it so much. I didn't know about this restaurant chain, so I wanted to try it too. The decor is really unusual and imaginative. Pretty simple wooden benches with cuddly cushions, large tables with felt coasters, all kinds of sauces and a tankard with cutlery. Simple and functional. Plus, it feels like you're in the forest as everything is outfitted with birch trunks from floor to ceiling.

Burger Essen bei Hans im Glück
Burger food at Hans im Glück

The food on offer is actually easy to explain: There are burgers and fries, in the menu or individually, as well as salad. But the special thing about the whole thing is the type of burger: there are countless variations, with wholemeal or wheat rolls, hay milk cheese and all the trimmings. This has nothing to do with the fast food burger anymore. Here there are only selected and good ingredients. Christian ordered a burger with cheese and bacon and I ordered a large portion of fries. My god it was delicious! And then the different sauces! It was slowly becoming more and more crowded here. When we walked in there was hardly anyone there and now every seat was taken. There were clearly a lot of companies spending their lunch breaks here. A quick coffee for Christian and then we started our Munich tour well strengthened.

Sightseeing Munich

English Garden and surfers on the Eisbach

Past the university and partly through the inner courtyards of the Munich university, we walked in the direction of the English Garden and Eisbach. I was already familiar with this artificial wave from pictures and television, but I wanted to see it with my own eyes. The weather had also cleared up and it was bright sunshine. So perfect for the English garden. We walked a bit through the green and admired the beautiful autumn colors. Then we came to the Eisbach ... and nothing happened. Everything calm, no waves, hardly any water and therefore nobody surfing the waves. I was disappointed. Apparently it has been too dry the last few weeks and not enough water has arrived. I'm here now and nothing is going on. A pity! But a good reason to come back again. But then in the summer.

courtyard garden

Then we walked to the courtyard garden. This beautiful baroque park was already bathed in the most beautiful autumn tones. There was a lot going on here due to the warm rays of sunshine. We wanted to rest a bit on one of the park benches, but almost everything was full and of course we didn't want to go in the shade where the empty benches were. In the middle of the park there is a pavilion, the Temple of Diana, where a couple of musicians started playing beautiful classical music. You could have spent the whole day here, but then I wouldn't have seen anything of Munich.

Indian Summer Feeling im Hofgarten
Indian summer feeling in the courtyard garden
courtyard garden

Dallmayr House

After the little idyllic break we made our way to Marienplatz. Shortly before you come to the famous department store “Alois Dallmayr”. Everyone knows the advertising of Dallmayr coffee, but I think only a few know that there is not only coffee here, but also exclusive food, drinks and tobacco products. From wine to chocolate to oysters, you will find the best top quality here. It was incredibly crowded, but we still made a round to have a look at everything. We could, but didn't want to afford some things! There is e.g. B. also a normal meat counter, like the butcher around the corner, only that the prices are a bit higher. ;) We bought a little something for my mother for her birthday, a lemon schnapps, which she likes a lot.

Munich City Hall at Marienplatz

After the “shopping experience” we walked to Marienplatz. The neo-Gothic style town hall was beautifully decorated with flowers. Unfortunately, we had already missed the carillon by hours! It is 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. daily. But at some point we need to hear it. We did a little shopping spree in the shops around Marienplatz. I really wanted a gingerbread heart and Christian got a beer mug. That's what we call real Bavarian! :)

Münchner Rathaus am Marienplatz
Munich City Hall at Marienplatz

Since we had arranged to meet friends for dinner that evening, we made our way back to our car. But this time we took the subway and not a DriveNow car. That was too far away for us. We were quickly back at the Olympic Center and then headed towards Ismaning.

And no, we don't get anything for the contribution and we don't have a deal with DriveNow either. We simply think the principle of car sharing is great.
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Hello, I am a Christian and grew up in magical Merseburg. During my studies in Erfurt, I met my husband, Christian, and we moved to Halle together. With our small family we now live again in my original hometown. Because of my job as an architect, I am always interested in places with an exciting history and great architecture. I was already often on the road during my studies, but my great passion for travel only spilled over from my husband to me. My motto: "The way is the goal!" For us, a relaxed holiday begins at the airport... in the lounge. :-)

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